The following use cases are based on the Qubic RPC V1.
The following examples refer to the Qubic RPC V1 API and the TS Library
The TS Library uses a Webassembly for all the cryptographical stuff.
For all the following examples the baseUrl
is set to:
const baseUrl = '';
This documentation refers to the Qubic V1 RPC API.
Method | Endpoint | Description | Body Payload |
GET | /latestTick | Get the current tick (block height) | - |
POST | /broadcast-transaction | Broadcast a transaction | { "encodedTransaction": "<BASE64RAWTX>" } |
GET | /ticks/{tickNumber}/approved-transactions | Get a List of approved transactions for the given tick | - |
GET | /tx-status/{txId} | Get the status of a single transaction | - |
GET | /ticks/{tickNumber}/tick-data | Get tick information like timestamp, epoch, included tx ids | - |
GET | /balances/{addressID} | Get balance for specified address ID | - |
GET | /status | Get the RPC status | - |
When using the Qubic RPC you should follow some important rules.
Due to Qubics architecture, only one concurrent transaction from a source address can exist in the network.
Sample pseudo workflow:
Pre-condition: For the sake of simplicity in this explanation, it is assumed that Alice has a single source address.
1. Network is in tick 5.
2. Alice sends one transaction in the network for tick 10.
3. Network is still in a tick lower than 10 and Alice sends a new transaction in the network for tick 15.
4. The transaction for tick 10 will be overwritten with the transaction for tick 15. In order to not ovewrite the transaction for tick 10, Alice should have waited for the tick 10 to pass before to send the new transaction.
5. Network is still in a tick lower than 9 and Alice sends a new transaction for tick 9.
6. The transaction sent for tick 9 will be ignored. The transaction with higher tick (the one for tick 15 in this example) will be kept in the network.
[!IMPORTANT] Only one concurrent TX per sending ID, don’t send a new transaction from the same source address until the previous tx target tick has been passed.
The endpoint
returns the current status of the RPC data.
Example response can be found below:
"lastProcessedTick": {
"tickNumber": 13189868,
"epoch": 102
"lastProcessedTicksPerEpoch": {
"99": 12941678,
"100": 13059142,
"101": 13101159,
"102": 13189868
"skippedTicks": [
"startTick": 12941679,
"endTick": 12949999
"startTick": 13059143,
"endTick": 13059999
"startTick": 13101160,
"endTick": 13109999
"processedTickIntervalsPerEpoch": [
"epoch": 101,
"intervals": [
"initialProcessedTick": 13082191,
"lastProcessedTick": 13101159
"epoch": 102,
"intervals": [
"initialProcessedTick": 13110000,
"lastProcessedTick": 13189868
indicates up to which tick the RPC server has processed data.
In the array
you find the processed ticks. Due to updates, epochs might have multiple tick ranges.
Every Wednesday, Qubic has its epoch change. The epoch transition is at ~12:00 UTC. If the network gets a breaking update, the epoch transition may take a few minutes. Expect between 11:59 to 13:00 UTC a delay for transactions.
The Go examples use the go-node-connector library.
A seed is the private key in Qubic. Based on the seed, you can create the public address (id).
The seed is a 55-lower-case-char string. Please use a proper random generator in your environment. The code below is for demonstration purposes only.
// generates a random seed
seedGen() {
const letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const letterSize = letters.length;
let seed = "";
for (let i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
seed += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * letterSize)];
return seed;
// get a reference to the helper class
const helper = new QubicHelper();
// generate a seed
const seed = seedGen();
// generate the id package
const {privateKey, publicKey, publicId} = await helper.createIdPackage(seed);
// the resulting package contains:
// privateKey => your binary private Key; this can be used to sign packages (e.g. transactions)
// publicKey => the public key
// publicId => the public key in human readable format. this is the address qubic users use
package main
import (
func main() {
seed := types.GenerateRandomSeed()
wallet, err := types.NewWallet(seed)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when creating wallet", err.Error())
For signing a package, you can either use the qubic crypto library or e.g. for transactions the wrapper from the ts-library
The pre-condition to be able to sign a package is to have the seed
or privateKey
The following example assumes that we have already created our idPackage
which includes our privateKey
// to sign a package, you need the private key which is derived from the seed and its publicKey
const seed = 'wqbdupxgcaimwdsnchitjmsplzclkqokhadgehdxqogeeiovzvadstt';
const idPackage = await helper.createIdPackage(seed);
// fake package!
const packet = new Uint8Array(32);
// example without await, you can also use async/await
const signedPacket = await crypto.then(({ schnorrq, K12 }) => {
// create the digest store; digest length is defined by 32 bytes
const digest = new Uint8Array(QubicDefinitions.DIGEST_LENGTH);
// you may receive packet in a function
const toSignPacket = packet;
// create K12 digest
K12(toSignPacket, digest, QubicDefinitions.DIGEST_LENGTH);
// sign the packet and receive signature
// the signing needs the inputs:
// privateKey
// publicKey
// K12 digest of the packet to sign
const signature = schnorrq.sign(idPackage.privateKey, idPackage.publicKey, digest);
// normally you would add the signature to the packet for transfer
var signedData = new Uint8Array(toSignPacket.length + signature.length);
signedData.set(signature, toSignPacket.length);
// after combining packet + signature you would take another digest
// this new digest can be considered as the id of the complete package (e.g. transaction id)
K12(signedData, digest, QubicDefinitions.DIGEST_LENGTH)
return {
signedData: signedData,
digest: digest,
signature: signature
package main
import (
const baseUrl = ""
func main() {
tx, err := types.NewSimpleTransferTransaction(
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when creating simple transfer transaction", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("source pubkey: %s\n", hex.EncodeToString(tx.SourcePublicKey[:]))
unsignedDigest, err := tx.GetUnsignedDigest()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when getting unsigned digest local", err.Error())
subSeed, err :=types.GetSubSeed("seed-here")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when getting subSeed", err.Error())
sig, err := schnorrq.Sign(subSeed, tx.SourcePublicKey, unsignedDigest)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when signing", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("sig: %s\n", hex.EncodeToString(sig[:]))
tx.Signature = sig
encodedTx, err := tx.EncodeToBase64()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when encoding tx to base 64", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("encodedTx: %s\n", encodedTx)
id, err := tx.ID()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when getting tx id", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("tx id(hash): %s\n", id)
Please find a complete example of transaction signing here: The complete source code can be found in the same repo.
The basic steps for this process are (including basic error handling):
from /latestTick
–> retry until valid responselatestTick + 5
(= your targetTick
), store tx hash
–> get new latestTick
and try again with new targetTick
until it works/status
for lastProcessedTick
and as soon as lastProcessedTick
> targetTick
, check /ticks/{targetTick}/approved-transactions
may lead to 4xx
with error code 11
. In this case, TX will never be successful and needs to be resent with a targetTick
> nextTickNumber
from the responseFor the following examples of this flow, we assume you have already all needed data to create and send the transaction:
const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/latestTick`);
const tickResponse = await response.json();
const latestTick = tickResponse.latestTick;
// don't forget to do proper error handling!
// please find an extended example here:
// create and sign transaction
const tx = new QubicTransaction().setSourcePublicKey(sourcePublicKey)
// it is important to set a target tick for the execution of this transaction
// a suggested offset is 5-7 ticks
.setTick(latestTick + 5);
// will build the tx: bundle all values and sign it
// returns the raw bytes of signed transaction
const signedTransactionData = await;
// by requesting getId() you receive the txId of this transaction
// this id can presented to the client as reference
const transactionId = tx.getId();
// after creating and signing the tx it should be sent to the network
const response = fetch(`${baseUrl}/broadcast-transaction`,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
encodedTransaction: signedTransactionData
if(reponse.status == 200)
// yipiii! transaction has been broadcasted
}else {
// :( something went wrong, try again
package main
import (
func SimpleTransactionExample() error {
senderAddress := ""
senderSeed := ""
destinationAddress := ""
// Change the transacted amount the desired value
amount := int64(1)
// Create live service client and get current tick / block number
lsc := types.NewLiveServiceClient("")
currentTickInfo, err := lsc.GetTickInfo()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting current tick info")
// Schedule transaction for a future tick
targetTick := currentTickInfo.TickInfo.Tick + 15
// Create transaction
tx, err := types.NewSimpleTransferTransaction(senderAddress, destinationAddress, amount, targetTick)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating transaction")
// Create signer based on the sender's seed and sign the transaction
signer, err := types.NewSigner(senderSeed)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating signer")
tx, err = signer.SignTx(tx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "signing transaction")
// Broadcast the transaction
response, err := lsc.BroadcastTransaction(tx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "broadcasting transaction")
log.Printf("Broadcasted transaction '%s' to %d peers. Scheduled for tick %d\n", response.TransactionId, response.PeersBroadcasted, targetTick)
return nil
// you can verify if a transaction was successful as soon the target tick has passed (true finality)
const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/ticks/${tx.tick}/approved-transactions`);
// only if status == 200 (ok) the tx can be marked as verified
if(response.status == 200)
const tickTransactions = await response.json();
const txStatus = tickTransactions.transactionsStatus.find(f => f.txId === tx.getId());
// yipiii! transaction was successful
}else {
// :( transaction was NOT successful
}else if(response.status === 400){
// bad request must be handled by the client. check code table below
}else if(response.status === 404){
const errorStatus = await response.json();
if(errorStatus.code === 123){
// your request was to early, please repeat it
// the lastProcessedTick is lower than the one you have requested
package main
import (
const baseUrl = ""
func main() {
targetTick := 13201784
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/ticks/%d/approved-transactions", baseUrl, targetTick)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when creating request", err.Error())
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when performing request", err.Error())
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
type response struct {
ApprovedTransactions []struct {
SourceId string `json:"sourceId"`
DestId string `json:"destId"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
TickNumber uint32 `json:"tickNumber"`
InputType int `json:"inputType"`
InputSize int `json:"inputSize"`
InputHex string `json:"inputHex"`
SignatureHex string `json:"signatureHex"`
TxId string `json:"txId"`
} `json:"approvedTransactions"`
var body response
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&body)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when decoding body", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("%+v", body.ApprovedTransactions)
} else if res.StatusCode == http.StatusBadRequest {
type errResponse struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Details []map[string]interface{} `json:"details"`
var body errResponse
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&body)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when decoding error body", err.Error())
switch body.Code {
case 9:
lastProcessedTick := body.Details[0]["lastProcessedTick"]
case 11:
nextTickNumber := body.Details[0]["nextTickNumber"]
} else {
//handle error
When requesting the RPC server for approved-transactions
you might receive a 400 Bad Request
Bad Request
example response:
"code": 11,
"message": "provided tick number 13055400 was skipped by the system, next available tick is 13082191",
"details": [
"@type": "",
"nextTickNumber": 13082191
We assume that you have in your business logic the accounts of your clients. We refer to these accounts as clientAcccount
A client Account is a package containing seed
, privateKey
, publicKey
and publicId
The list of all clientAccount
is called clientAccountList
To detect a deposit to a clientAccount
we use the Qubic RPC and run a sequential tick/blockscan.
You will need to define an initial tick from which on you will start your tick scans. In our example example below, we start with the tick 13032965
The following code samples contain pseudo code which you have to replace by your own business logic.
// don't forget to do a proper error handling!
// if you request a tick which is yet not processed, you will receive a 404 with a specific message
const currentTick = 13032965;
// request transactions for the tick
const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}/ticks/${currentTick}/approved-transactions`);
// the result will contain all executed and approved transactions for the given tick
const tickTransactions = await response.json();
// map the transactions to your `clientAccountList`
const clientDeposits = clientAccountList.filter(f => tickTransactions.find(t => t.destId == f.publicId))
clientDeposits.forEach(clientAccount => {
// add transaction to your accounting
const internalTx = clientAccount.addIncomingTransactions(tickTransactions.filter(f => f.destId == clientAccount.publicId).map(m => createInternalTransaction(m)));
// start here your internal business logic to credit your clients account
creditClientAccount(clientAccount, internalTx);
// start transferring the deposit to your hot wallet here
transferToHotWallet(clientAccount, internalTx);
package main
import (
const baseUrl = ""
func main() {
targetTick := 13201784
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/ticks/%d/approved-transactions", baseUrl, targetTick)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when creating request", err.Error())
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when performing request", err.Error())
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Fatalf("got non 200 status code: %d", res.StatusCode)
type response struct {
ApprovedTransactions []struct {
SourceId string `json:"sourceId"`
DestId string `json:"destId"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
TickNumber uint32 `json:"tickNumber"`
InputType int `json:"inputType"`
InputSize int `json:"inputSize"`
InputHex string `json:"inputHex"`
SignatureHex string `json:"signatureHex"`
TxId string `json:"txId"`
} `json:"approvedTransactions"`
var body response
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&body)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when decoding body", err.Error())
for _, approvedTx := range body.ApprovedTransactions {
if !isClientAddress(approvedTx.DestId) {
//insert business logic to credit client account and transfer to hot wallet
fmt.Printf("%+v", body.ApprovedTransactions)
func isClientAddress(addr string) bool {
clientAddresses := []string {
"a", "b", "c",
for _, clientAddr := range clientAddresses {
if clientAddr == addr {
return true
return false
Repeat the code above as long you don’t get a 400 Bad Request
In general, we suggest to not allow your clients to use their deposit accounts for smart contract usage (e.g. pool payouts, quottery or any future use case).
However, there is a send many smart contract case you should support. Such a transaction can be identified as follows:
// we assume you have in hand a tx object (e.g. from the approved-transactions endpoint)
const tx = getTxFromApprovedTransactionsEndpoint();
// address of Qutil(Send Many) SC
// type must be 1
tx.inputType == 1
// size must be 1000
tx.inputSize = 1000
// input must be present
// if we are here, this tx was a send many sc invovation
// in the input we have potentially 25 inlay transactions
// translate input to transfers
const txPayload = tx.getPayload().getPackageData();
const sendManyTransfers = await new QubicTransferSendManyPayload().parse(txPayload).getTransfers();
// get all client accounts which have got a tx
const clientDeposits = clientAccountList.filter(f => sendManyTransfers.find(t => t.destId == f.publicId))
clientDeposits.forEach(clientAccount => {
// add transaction to your accounting
const internalTx = clientAccount.addIncomingTransactions(sendManyTransfers.filter(f => f.destId == clientAccount.publicId).map(m => createInternalTransaction(m)));
// start here your internal business logic to credit your clients account
creditClientAccount(clientAccount, internalTx);
// start transferring the deposit to your hot wallet here
transferToHotWallet(clientAccount, internalTx);
package main
import (
const baseUrl = ""
func main() {
url := baseUrl + "/transactions/ereivwmylkkjicicsljuyhrhdgneoibmyyoxjwffobriggerszqoiudgtksm"
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when creating request", err.Error())
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when performing request", err.Error())
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Fatalf("Got non 200 status code: %d", res.StatusCode)
type response struct {
Transaction struct {
SourceId string `json:"sourceId"`
DestId string `json:"destId"`
Amount string `json:"amount"`
TickNumber int `json:"tickNumber"`
InputType int `json:"inputType"`
InputSize int `json:"inputSize"`
InputHex string `json:"inputHex"`
SignatureHex string `json:"signatureHex"`
TxId string `json:"txId"`
} `json:"transaction"`
var body response
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&body)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when decoding body", err.Error())
// check if tx dest addr is qutil and input type is 1 (send many) and size and input matches
if body.Transaction.DestId == types.QutilAddress &&
body.Transaction.InputType == 1 &&
body.Transaction.InputSize == types.QutilSendManyInputSize &&
body.Transaction.InputHex != "" {
decodedInput, err := hex.DecodeString(body.Transaction.InputHex)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when decoding input", err.Error())
var sendmanypayload types.SendManyTransferPayload
err = sendmanypayload.UnmarshallBinary(decodedInput)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when unmarshalling payload", err.Error())
transfers, err := sendmanypayload.GetTransfers()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("got err: %s when getting transfers", err.Error())
for _, transfer := range transfers {
if !isClientAddress(transfer.AddressID.String()) {
//insert business logic to credit client account and transfer to hot wallet
fmt.Printf("transfers: %+v\n", transfers)
func isClientAddress(addr string) bool {
clientAddresses := []string{
"a", "b", "c",
for _, clientAddr := range clientAddresses {
if clientAddr == addr {
return true
return false
To do withdraws you can either use a plain transaction or the send many smart contract.
This transaction is feeless and limited to one transaction per hot wallet. Follow the process from Create, sign, send and verify a transaction
The fee for using the Smart Contract is 10
Qubic and allows to withdraw to up to 25 clients in a single transaction.
A send many smart contract invocation is a qubic transaction with some specific settings.
The example below shows how to use it.
// create the builder package
const sendManyPayload = new QubicTransferSendManyPayload();
// add a destination
amount: new Long(1)
// add a destination
amount: new Long(2)
// ...add up to 25 destination addresses
// add the fixed fee to the total amount
const totalAmount = sendManyPayload.getTotalAmount() + BigInt(QubicDefinitions.QUTIL_SENDMANY_FEE);
// build and sign tx
const tx = new QubicTransaction().setSourcePublicKey(sourcePublicKey)
.setDestinationPublicKey(QubicDefinitions.QUTIL_ADDRESS) // a send many transfer should go the Qutil SC
.setAmount(totalAmount) // calculated from all transfers + fee
.setTick(0) // set an appropriate target tick
.setInputType(QubicDefinitions.QUTIL_SENDMANY_INPUT_TYPE) // input type for send many invocation
.setInputSize(sendManyPayload.getPackageSize()) // the input size equals the size of the send many payload
.setPayload(sendManyPayload); // add payload
const signedTransactionData = await;
// the tx can now be sent
const response = fetch(`${baseUrl}/broadcast-transaction`,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
encodedTransaction: signedTransactionData
if(reponse.status == 200)
// yipiii! transaction has been broadcasted
// by requesting getId() you receive the txId of this transaction
// this id can presented to the client as reference
const transactionId = tx.getId();
// after a tx has been send you can either check its status by tick scan or by dedicated call to /tx-status/<TDID>
}else {
// :( something went wrong, try again
package main
import (
func SendManyTransactionExample() error {
senderAddress := ""
senderSeed := ""
// Create the list of recipients
transfers := []types.SendManyTransfer{
AddressID: "AAA...",
Amount: 10,
AddressID: "BBB...",
Amount: 20,
var payload types.SendManyTransferPayload
err := payload.AddTransfers(transfers)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "adding transfers to send many payload")
// Create live service client and get current tick / block number
lsc := types.NewLiveServiceClient("")
currentTickInfo, err := lsc.GetTickInfo()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting current tick info")
// Schedule transaction for a future tick
targetTick := currentTickInfo.TickInfo.Tick + 15
// Create transaction
tx, err := types.NewSendManyTransferTransaction(senderAddress, targetTick, payload)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating send many transaction")
// Create signer based on the sender's seed and sign the transaction
signer, err := types.NewSigner(senderSeed)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating signer")
tx, err = signer.SignTx(tx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "signing transaction")
// Broadcast the transaction
response, err := lsc.BroadcastTransaction(tx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "broadcasting transaction")
log.Printf("Broadcasted transaction '%s' to %d peers. Scheduled for tick %d\n", response.TransactionId, response.PeersBroadcasted, targetTick)
return nil
The send many transaction requires a feed to pe paid by the sender.
The JavaScript example requires that you add the fee manually. In the case of the go example, this fee is added automatically when creating the transaction.
In order to transfer assets, you can refer to this example:
package main
import (
func AssetTransferTransactionExample() error {
senderAddress := ""
senderSeed := ""
destinationAddress := ""
assetName := ""
assetIssuer := ""
numberOfUnits := int64(1)
// The transfer fee may be subject to change in the future.
transferFee := int64(100)
// Create the asset transfer payload
payload, err := types.NewAssetTransferPayload(assetName, assetIssuer, destinationAddress, numberOfUnits)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating asset transfer payload")
// Create live service client and get current tick / block number
lsc := types.NewLiveServiceClient("")
currentTickInfo, err := lsc.GetTickInfo()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting current tick info")
// Schedule transaction for a future tick
targetTick := currentTickInfo.TickInfo.Tick + 15
// Create transaction
tx, err := types.NewAssetTransferTransaction(senderAddress, targetTick, transferFee, payload)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating asset transfer transaction")
// Create signer based on the sender's seed and sign the transaction
signer, err := types.NewSigner(senderSeed)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating signer")
tx, err = signer.SignTx(tx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "signing transaction")
// Broadcast the transaction
response, err := lsc.BroadcastTransaction(tx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "broadcasting transaction")
log.Printf("Broadcasted transaction '%s' to %d peers. Scheduled for tick %d\n", response.TransactionId, response.PeersBroadcasted, targetTick)
return nil
Note that in order to transfer assets, a fee must be paid to the smart contract.
For the time being, the fee may be queried at this address:
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
In case you receive a http resonse 400
for the endpoints
Make sure to implement error handling for the following cases (generally we are following the status codes from
| code | reason | action |
|— |— |— |
| 9 | Requested tick number is greater than lastProcessedTick
. | Repeat your request until it works. You may track the the lastProcessedTick
from the endpoint /status
until lastProcessedTick
> your targetTick
. |
| 11 | Provided tick number was skipped by the system, next available tick is <NEXTAVAILABLETICKNUMBER>
. | Take the nextTickNumber
from details
in response and proceed with this tick. In this case, pending transactions with targetTick
< nextTickNumber
won’t be processed and need to be reissued. |
It is important to log any transaction information also on the side of the integrator. The qubic network does not store transaction information over a period longer than seven days and transactions are pruned on every epoch change each Wednesday. The RPC infrastructure provides an archive which holds historical data.