
Send Transaction

This Use Case describes how to send a Basic Transaction. A Basic Transaction is used to send $QBIC’s from one Address to another.

To send a Transaction, send a BroadcastTransaction Packet with the type set to 24.

Request Header

Request Payload

Send a SignedTransaction.

typedef struct
    unsigned char sourcePublicKey[32];
    unsigned char destinationPublicKey[32];
    long long amount;
    unsigned int tick;
    unsigned short inputType;
    unsigned short inputSize;
} Transaction;

typedef struct
    Transaction transaction;
    unsigned char signature[SIGNATURE_SIZE];
} SignedTransaction;

[!NOTE] Set the target tick at minimum +5 from current network tick. Best results are achieved with current tick +10-20.

[!IMPORTANT] Per source ID only one transaction can be present in the Network. If you send another transaction with the same Source while the first was not yet executed, the existing will be overwritten.

Response Header


Response Payload
